Four Winters with film director Julia Mintz

Film poster: Four Winters, Jewish partisan resistance.

Four Winters with film director Julia Mintz

Event Description:

Four Winters with film director Julia Mintz

Four Winters with film director Julia Mintz

Four Winters” is a compelling documentary that tells the untold story of Jewish partisan resistance and bravery during WWII. Directed by Julia Mintz, the film explores the journey of over 25,000 Jewish partisans, many of whom were teenagers, as they escaped into the forests of Eastern Europe, forming brigades to sabotage Nazi operations. Through interviews, archival footage, and the photography of Faye Schulman, “Four Winters” captures their transformation from innocent youth to courageous fighters. The screening will be held on Thursday, November 7, 7:30 PM, at Chabad of Westport.