Dignity Grows

Dignity in a Tote
Human dignity should not be considered a luxury, yet nearly 30% of menstruators in the U.S. suffer from period poverty, lacking the financial resources to purchase basic menstrual-hygiene necessities. This obstacle results in lost days of work and school, further compounding the cycle of poverty.
For a gift of only $10, you can donate a Dignity Grows Tote to a neighbor in need, providing the chance to live life uninterrupted while safeguarding dignity. Each tote is filled with a month’s supply of menstrual and hygiene products, It’s hope in a bag…a simple way to solve a serious problem.
Packing Totes
Delivering Totes
Dignity Grows totes and their contents are purchased with funds raised by the Jewish Federation from individuals and foundations. Since September 2022, totes have been packed at gatherings hosted by volunteers and community organizations, including:
“¢ Bookies Book Club, Westport
“¢ Church of Christ, Bridgeport
“¢ Congregation Beth El Fairfield
“¢ Congregation Or Hadash
“¢ Federation Women’s Philanthropy Spring Event
“¢ Federation Young Families
“¢ TCS, Westport
“¢ Temple Israel, Westport
“¢ Temple Shalom, Norwalk
Contact Stacy