Event Series Beth EL Adult Ed Series: Learning Trope

Beth EL Adult Ed Series: Learning Trope

Congregation Beth El Norwalk 109 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT, United States

Adult Ed Series: Learning Trope with Rabbi Paskind Starting January 8 from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm at CBE Class runs weekly 1/8/2025 - 3/5/2025 - no class 2/19/2025 Rabbi Paskind will lead a class on learning Torah Trope. In February, the class will learn Haftorah Trope. Sign up for one or both. These are […]

Event Series Baby and Me

Baby and Me

Congregation Beth El Norwalk 109 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT, United States

Baby and Me, is a free program open to all faiths. We will meet weekly on Thursdays starting October 19th from 9:30 - 10:30 am. For children birth - 2 years. Meet other caregivers and help your child to begin socializing with others. We will have music, stories, free play, and more. Please contact Amy […]

Event Series Women’s Torah & Kabbalah Study Circle

Women’s Torah & Kabbalah Study Circle

Beth Israel Chabad 40 King Street, Norwalk, CT, United States

A weekly journey into the soul of Torah.  Weekly lessons that probe into the depths of contemporary Torah thought, with a special focus on issues surrounding spirituality, the human psyche, love and relationships. Every Thursday 10:00am-11:00am or Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9923658352?pwd=d2tsR2RHRWVtcTgwTnQxaHVJcDd4UT09 Meeting ID: 992 365 8352 Password shalom Email fhecht@snet.net to RSVP or questions.