Community High School for Judaic Studies
Learn About Merkaz
Jewish Education
For Our Community Teens
The mission of Merkaz is to provide a meaningful and relevant Jewish education to our community teens that builds character, positive values, leadership, a strong Jewish identity, and creates a sense of unity with the Jewish people.
Merkaz Community High School for Judaic Studies is a Program of the Federation for the Jewish Federation of Greater Fairfield County.

Fun & Rewarding
Merkaz offers exciting courses on Tuesday nights with something for everyone, along with a new Flex Program which offers exciting programs throughout the year. We have amazing teachers, who are dedicated to providing classes that are fun and rewarding. Renew old friendships and make new ones. Explore our rich heritage and culture in the warm and inviting environment you’ll experience at Merkaz.
We aim to provide quality and meaningful Jewish education that is accessible to all community teens grades 8 through 12.

At Merkaz…
- We create a bridge between the history of our people and the world today.
- We explore our Jewish values and connect them to our daily lives.
- We use the arts, STEM, and Judaic texts as a springboard to understanding our Judaism.
- We partner with the community to do Tikkun Olam (repair the world.)
- We grow to become confident Jewish adults that our bubbes/savtas would be proud to know.
- We encourage, cultivate, and set forth future Jewish leaders.
What Parents & Students Are Saying

“Merkaz is an incredible experience where you learn about your religion and culture while connecting with other Jewish teens from around the area.”
“Merkaz helped me get into college.”
“I liked finding the connection to Jewish life in everyday things.”
“I’ve made a lot of friends at Merkaz.”
“You must be crazy not to take advantage of graduating high school with a second diploma – it looks so good to college admissions!”
Join Merkaz Today!
Step 1:
Check out our 2024-2025 Program Guide….
2024-2025 Program Guide
Step 2:
Register by filling out your information, selecting course and program preferences, and submitting a deposit.
Tuition, Discounts & Assistance
Merkaz Tuition Information
Fees and Discounts:
- First student per family: $900
- Additional students per family: $815 per student
- If you are registering a graduating senior (12th Grade), there is an additional Senior Fee: $100
Subsidy Information
Participating synagogues contributea tuition subsidy for each of their students.
- Participating synagogues include:
- Chabad of Fairfield
- Congregation Beth El – Norwalk
- Congregation B’nai Israel
- Congregation Or Hadash
- Congregation Rodeph Sholom
- Temple Shalom
- Synagogue Subsidy: $100 per student || Enter discount code SYN 100
- Merkaz Faculty: 25% discount per student.
- Jewish Agency Employees: Employees of local Jewish Agencies working 15 hours or more per week receive a $100 discount per student.
Please email [email protected] for a custom discount code if you qualify for more than one discount.
Payment Options
- Pay tuition in full.
- Set up a payment plan.
- Merkaz offers two payment plan options to be billed monthly:
- $150 Deposit with 2 Installments
- $150 Deposit with 4 Installments
- Merkaz offers two payment plan options to be billed monthly:
- Pay by check. Please email [email protected] to pay by check.
Tuition Assistance
Please do not let cost be a barrier to participation. Tuition assistance is available.
Contact [email protected] with questions or to request a tuition assistance application.
School Policies
Attendance Policies
- Regular and punctual attendance is essential for a successful experience at Merkaz. A student must accrue 16 credits over the course 2024-2025 year to receive credit. If a student is unable to attain those credits do to unforeseen circumstances, students will be offered an Independent Study make-up assignment. If a student is unable to complete the assignment, they will not receive credit for that school year.
- Students or parents MUST email [email protected] if they are going to be unable to attend a session with as much advanced notice. In that email, it is best practice if the student or parent indicates which make-up Flex Track program the student will attend to earn missed credits. This applies to both Classic and Flex Track students.
- Lateness disturbs your fellow students and faculty and should be avoided at all cost. That being said, we understand that sometimes it is unavoidable. Whenever possible, please email [email protected] if you know you will be arriving late. Any students arriving more than 15 minutes late to a class or program may be required to attend a make-up program.
- Habitual lateness will be addressed at the discretion Head of School.
Early Dismissal
- For the safety and security of our students, students may not leave the premises while Merkaz is in session.
- Students leaving early must have permission from a parent or guardian. If a student must leave early, parents must email [email protected] with the time of dismissal and the name of the person picking them up, if applicable. Students will not be dismissed unless we receive explicit permission from a guardian.
- Occasionally, students may be dismissed early. If parents are unable to pick-up their child, a Merkaz staff member will stay with them until retrieved.
Student Conduct & Expectations
At Merkaz, we strive to create a learning community that encourages mutual respect and collective safety. Students are expected to behave appropriately, in a manner that is respectful of administrators, teachers, guests, other students, and property. In addition, students participating in any Flex programming or Merkaz trips will abide by the rules/policies particular to the premises.
The following behaviors are prohibited at Merkaz:
- Food or drinks in the classroom without prior permission from the Head of School. (All food brought to Merkaz must be Kosher and nut-free.)
- (Students and/or parents will be held financially liable for the cost of repair or replacement of any property damaged or defaced.)
- Use of drugs or alcohol by any student on school property.
- Smoking or vaping on school premises.
- Use of cell phones and all electronic devices, unless approved by the course instructor. All must be turned off while in class. Unapproved use of electronic equipment will result in the removal of the equipment for the evening.
- Inappropriate attire, including dress and grooming that are offensive, distracting, or disruptive to the educational process.
- Leaving the building without permission.
Violation of the above policies will be addressed by the Head of School, and parents will be notified when necessary.
Serious violations may constitute grounds for dismissal at the discretion of the Head of School.
Student Driving & Traffic Guidelines
- Students must operate vehicles in a safe and appropriate manner, and must abide by the established parking lot traffic flow.
- The Head of School has the authority to prohibit a student who violates safe driving practices from using the school parking facility.
- Student drivers and parents must observe designated Entrances and Exits to and from the parking lot.
Safety & Security
- Security will be present at each of our Classic Track campuses.
- Where possible, we will have security present at Flex Track programs and events.
- To inquire about the security of a specific program or event, please email [email protected].
Meet Our Professionals

Lisa Becker
As Director of Youth Programs, Lisa serves as Head of Merkaz Community High School for Judaic Studies and provides leadership for PJ Library and Federation Young Families programs.
Lisa has been a valued faculty member for over 12 years at Merkaz, where she has taught classes including the Palestinian and Israeli Conflict; Fiddler on the Roof: Then and Now: the Mitzvah Madness Program, and the ever-popular Cooking Class. Prior to Federation, she spent four years at Mozaic Senior Life (formerly Jewish Senior Services) as Development Associate.
She offers a unique perspective on Jewish life, from having an observant background before returning to her Conservative roots at Congregation B’nai Torah in Trumbull, now Or Hadash.
Lisa is committed to fighting food insecurity locally through her involvement with the Connecticut Food Bank, and has been a public advocate and speaker raising awareness about Male and Metastatic Breast Cancer. She is the Chair of Adult Education on the Board of Congregation Or Hadash in Fairfield.
Now a resident of Trumbull, Lisa lived with her late husband and their six children in the Brooklawn section of Bridgeport for nearly 30 years. She grew up in Westport and was raised at Congregation Beth El in Norwalk under Rabbi Jonas Goldberg (of blessed memory). She attended Southern New Hampshire University, and multiple programs at Bank Street College of Education in New York.

Gennifer Lippman
Our Partners
Merkaz Community High School for Judaic Studies
4200 Park Avenue, Suite 300
Bridgeport, CT 06604
[email protected]