Temple B’nai Chaim is the center of Jewish life for our community. It is a focal point for our customs, education, prayer, life cycle observance, fellowship and compassion. Our mission is to provide our members, and their children, opportunity through life long learning and community involvement, to understand, appreciate, and connect to our joyous traditions.
Temple B’nai Chaim is a modern Reform congregation inspired by over 3000 years of tradition. We believe in a living Judaism compatible with contemporary science, historical understanding, and ethical sensibilities, and which reflects everyday reality and is refined by it. We are a member congregation of the Union for Reform Judaism.
We welcome all Jews, their partners and families regardless of background. We affirm the equality between men and women, members of all ages, races, physical conditions, and sexual orientations.
Members are free to express themselves as autonomous individuals. We believe in the progressive development in religion welcoming all perception, whether from scripture or from the records of nature. We employ both traditional and contemporary creative prayer and music. We are a center for the highest moral and ethical standard, we strive to achieve universal justice and peace, and we are a caring community devoted to those in need.