Women’s Philanthropy

Women philanthropists are the change-makers and community-shapers of the world. We are sisters and daughters, mothers and friends, compassionate and committed women at every stage of life and career.
We engage Jewish women to make the world a better place. We are building and supporting Jewish life for today and for generations to come.
ContactCarin to learn how you can join this international societies of dedicated, generous women.

Lions of Judah
The Lions of Judah are the most dynamic philanthropic Jewish women in the world. Lions are strong women of all ages, an international sisterhood of thousands of global activists who care deeply about the Jewish future. Lions demonstrate their dedication to the Jewish community by contributing an annual donation to the Jewish Federation of $5,000 or more. Every two years, Lions gather for three phenomenal days of extraordinary learning, sharing and celebration at the International Lion of Judah Conference.

Pomegranate Society
The Pomegranate Society is a level of giving for women who donate $1,800 or more to the Jewish Federation of Greater Fairfield County’s Annual Campaign. This donation may be given individually or as part of a family gift. Membership also includes access to exclusive programming. This is a wonderful option for women who are interested in deepening their philanthropic commitment. More than a beautiful piece of jewelry, the Pomegranate pin is a symbol of a woman’s commitment to and compassion for the Jewish people.

Pearl Society
The Pearl Society is designed for young women who want to make a difference. With a gift of $180 to Federation’s Annual Campaign, you’ll become a member of this group of inspiring women who, just like you, want to impact change in Jewish life. You’ll be invited to the Women’s Cocktails for a Cause event and have the option of buying our signature Pearl Society necklace.