& Grants

The Jewish Federation of Greater Fairfield County supports programs and services that have real impact on Jewish life each and every day, in our community, in Israel and overseas. The combined generosity of thousands of donors to the Annual Campaign makes it possible for our community to support more than 85 local, national and international agencies and initiatives providing a lifeline that enhances and often saves Jewish lives.


Grants are awarded to fund programs and projects that are consistent with the mission priorities of The Jewish Federation of Greater Fairfield County. Projects and initiatives that are deeply rooted in Jewish continuity, social services, and Israel & overseas support. Jewish principles (Tikkun Olam, Tzedakah, Chesed) are given serious consideration.

The Allocations committees have detailed discussions, address overlooked needs within our community, identify future issues that could impact our neighbors, and study best practices and trends in the Jewish world.We need your help to further our sacred work.Please consider joining the Allocations Committee, a pearl of Jewish Federation of Greater Fairfield County, and help us shape our future together.